Sunday, March 18, 2012

John Carter

昨天看了这部电影,节奏好,剧情也有创意。故事说一个一直寻觅黄金洞的前军人,John Carter,在一次神秘意外中被传送到火星去。火星上,有两个城邦在打仗,而John Carter为了拯救被欺压的一方,奋勇作战,成了Tharks部落和Helium城的英雄。他娶了漂亮的公主为妻,却在当晚被意外传送回地球。故事的结尾他又回到了火星。好莱坞电影不失其一贯的创意--寻宝,火星和穿梭,配合得天衣无缝。





  1. Indeed, your post makes me ponder about how superficial american movies are. With regard to movie like John Carter that involves sci-fi and war, I think Hayao Miyazaki's work is arguably the best. Unlike western movies (Disney for example), his animations manage to portray themes like war and environmental pollution without the use of protagonists and antagonists. His work doesn't show the good nor the evil, because in reality it all depends on one's perspective on the situation. The deeper meaning of such solemn themes is impeccably conveyed in such implicit manner that the audience are left contemplating on their own. Such a void in the story line puts the ending of the movie in the hands of the audience. And that's the kind of movie that I have 共鸣.

  2. I have 共鸣with your comment:)and that is the reason why I love Hayao Miyazaki's animations too!
